Friday, February 8, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty is Bigelow's Second Gem

So I don't if this will win Best Picture but Bigleow's new film "Zero Dark Thirty" is creating Oscar buzz. Bigelow is known for his Oscar Winning Film "The Hurt Locker" and her new film is as good. It has Jessica Chastain trying to find the person on USA's hit list Osama Bin Laden. Chastain is dynamite in this film and she is in the running for Best Actress.

This film has Bigelow at her finest. Chastain is spectacular, the cast is great, and the suspense is great. The whole movie we are waiting for the invasion of Bin Laden's whereabouts. The invasion scene is a great part in the film. This particular scene and Chastain's brilliant acting might be the reason it takes home Best Picture.

Grade: 93/100 = A

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