"Martian Child" is a great film with the Cusacks. David, played by John Cusack, is a science fiction writer. After his wife passed he has been alone, and wanting more out of life. He has an idea of adopting a child. This is skeptical to his sister, Liz, played by Joan Cusack, and other friends and family of his, but he does anyway. He is looking for more out of life, so he adopts a little boy named Dennis, played by Bobby Coleman. Dennis is a troubled child that dreams of going to Mars, and really only spends time in a box alone. David sees a lot of himself in Dennis and takes acre of him. At first it is a hassle adjusting to the new living situation for both David and Dennis but they get through it.
This film is very good even for a family film. Bobby Coleman was only ten years old in this film, but he played his role very well. He is a troubled kid, and this not easy for any actor, but he played the part very well. Some great supporting roles in this film were Amanda Peet and Sophie Okonedo, and also Oliver Platt. Amanda Peet is a beautiful and talented actress that have been in many popular films and she nailed her role. Sophie Okonedo has been in many great films including "Hotel Rwanda" and "Secret Life of Bees" and this was also an amazing role for her. Oliver Platt is one of my favorite actors. He is hilarious in any role especially on "The Big C" and "Love and Other Drugs." But the Cusacks were also fantastic in this film. I have been a fan of theirs for awhile and they really did a great job for this film and any role they are given. If you have not watched "Shameless" you need to, because not only is the show spectacular, Joan Cusack, has one of her best roles ever on this show. John Cusack is always great in any role. With "Say Anything" "High Fidelity" "Being John Malkovich" and this film he steals the show in any film.
Grade = 83/100 = B
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