"Red" is incredible. This is not the film with Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman, this is a different film. This film tells a story of a simple man named Avery, played by Brian Cox. He loves to fish and spend time with his dog, and he is a very nice, and easygoing older man. One day three teens kill his dog. The leader of the three boys is Danny, played by Noel Fisher. Danny is a criminal and really had no reason to kill Avery's dog he just did it because he is just a bad kid. Avery is relentless on getting his revenge.
This film has two actors battling against each other. Brian Cox is incredible. He is incredible in his roles, and I am glad he is the star in this film because he usually has a supporting role. The best part of one of my favorite films, "Adaptation," has him yelling at Nicolas Cage. The scene really shows the passion he has in his films. Noel Fisher is amazing also. Fisher usually plays similar roles, a troubled kid trying to fight people. He is very good at it, and it is probably why he does similar roles. He is also on a show called "Shameless." He is incredible on the show because of his raw talent he brings towards this amazing show. This film is great and very underrated and you should see it.
Grade = 85/100 = B
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