"Oculus" is a mind-blower. It is a horror, and also thriller film that tells the story of a sister, Kaylie, and a brother, Tim. Kaylie, played by Karen Gillan, is a 23 year old trying to make a life with her fiance after her terrible childhood. Tim, played by Brenton Thwaites, was realeased from a mental hospital on his 21st birthday, and he plans to spend time with his sister. Throughout the film, we learn about the siblings' terrible childhood, and how their parents were commited by a supernatural phenomenon, being taken in by a mirror. The film is very confusing throughout, but if you pay attention throughout it is very exciting to watch.
This film is a great thriller, and very exciting. It reminded me of "Memento" and how you need to know what happens at the end of the film. It was great to see how they want from the past and the present, and how they were very similar in comparison. Karen Gillan was great for her role. She is very beautiful, and it is a great actress, especially on the unbelievably popular British show, "Doctor Who." Brenton Thwaites was also very good in his role. He is becoming a well-known actor in America, because of the new roles he is obtaining. This film is great because it keeps you on the edge of your seat.
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