"The Fault in Our Stars" is amazing. Hazel, played by Shailene Woodley, is a teenager dealing with cancer. She was diagnosed when she was thirteen and has been surviving for five years, but each day losing hope because one day she will reach her own oblivion. After being pushed into going a cancer support group he meets, a boy named Augustus, played by Ansel Elgort, who is also dealing with cancer. Augustus and Hazel hit it off pretty well. They become great friends, and start spending a great deal of time together. It is the first time in awhile Hazel is feeling happy because she has found a person that loves to spend time with her, and feel herself around. The only problem they both do not know how long they have left until they are gone.
This film is great, and it is pretty similar to the book. They are great minor characters in this film including, Laura Dern, William Dafoe, Sam Trammell, and many others. Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort, were incredible together on screen. This is one Shailene Woodley's best roles, and she is really becoming a household name because of how she is transitioning from teen star to dramatic actress. Ansel Elgort was so loveable in this film. He was so good because you changed attitudes about him throughout, but by the end you felt for him being sick. This film is incredibly depressing. While watching in the theater, it will be very difficult to hear everything the actors are saying because you will hear sobbing in the background. It is very gloomy, but cancer is such a terrible disease it is relatable, and this film has a clear representation on cancer, life and death. It is a tearjerker but worth seeing.
Grade = 85/100 = B
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