"Terri" is an amazing independent film. It has a very plump teenager named Terri, played by Jacob Wysocki. He is not a very popular boy mainly because of his wardrobe. He usually goes to school to in his very neatly made PJs. And he is just a very nice boy but is wanting a girlfriend or a just a friend in general. His Guidance Counselor, Mr. Fitzgerald, who is played by John C. Reilly really tries to help him. Mr. Fitzgerald meets with Terri a few times a week to just talk. Terri is just trying to end a friend and even though he is a Guidance Counselor he likes him. He also makes friend a new outcast named Heather. She was ostracized for getting "fingered" in the middle of class, and Terri feels bad for her and lends a helping hand when she is need. Terri finally feels like he has a sold support system and he is feeling content.
This film is so great because of how great Wysocki and Reilly are together. JohnC. Reilly is usually hilarious in most of his films but he is not afraid to do those dramatic roles. Wysocki is so amazing in this film, he plays the awkward and shy teenager that most teenagers cannot pull off. This film is very sad but you just fall in love with the characters by the end. It is a great story that will keep you guessing. Please go watch it.
Grade = 85/100 = B
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