"The Social Network" defines a generation. It tells the true story of Mark Zuckerberg, played by Jesse Eisenberg. Mark is a Harvard student, wanting more out of life. He is extremely intelligent, and knows a lot about computers. In the beginning of the film, we see him hacking into Harvard's network, and creating a hot or not website displaying girls from Harvard. He gets suspended but is not really worried about it. He realizes that if this website can become so popular why can't another website be popular. He creates this idea for "the facebook." A website for college students or whoever to meet and create a profile all online. He joins up this idea with his best friend, Eduardo played by Andrew Garfield. They try to create this website together by starting out at Harvard, then branching out to other colleges around the country. While this is going on, we cut two other stories, Eduardo suing Mark, and the Winklevoss twins played by Armie Hammer. The Winklevoss twins are brothers at Harvard that have an idea for a website for a dating site that involved Harvard men meeting young women. Mark said he wanted to join in but did not, and did his own idea. Their story goes on, and their website is booming. Numerous of colleges have joined the facebook, and business is growing. But, Eduardo is concerned because they are not making any money yet, he wants to have ads on the site. Mark keeps telling him we will have revenue soon, but the facebook is" cool" and different from other sites. Eduardo does not agree but goes along. They eventually have a meeting Sean Parker, played by Justin Timberlake. Sean tells them everything they need to know, and Mark agrees, Eduardo does not. Mark is in awe of Sean and he wants to be an asset to the company. By the summer, they move to Los Angeles. Sean helps them for the most part, but Eduardo does not like him at all. The story tells the bitter downfall of Mark Zuckerberg but it did not matter because he was so successful, so his lawsuits did not matter. It was essentially "it's a speeding ticket."
Aaron Sirken and David Fincher are geniuses. They are magnificent at what they do, and I have high hopes for them in the future. Jesse Eisenberg also did great in this film. This was his first Oscar nomination and he nailed it, in this film. Andrew Garfield was also great in this film. Justin Timberlake was also fantastic in this film, he was flawless in this film. This film is great, and worth seeing to see how one of the most popular website came about.
Grade = 90/100 = A-
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