"Star Trek Into the Darkness" is the second installment of the redefined movie series of Star Trek. Captain Kirk, played by Chris Pine, is back with his crew. Including Mr. Spock, played by Zachary Quinto. The crew has to set out on a journey to find one man who took down the Enterprise, John Harrison, played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Turns out, Harrison is staying on a planet filled with Klingons, Kronos which if humans come into contact could cause a war. Kirk and Spock have to make sure there ship and crew is safe for this journey.
This film is great and worth checking out this summer. It is so action-packed and it will keep you on the egde of your seat. I am not familiar with the show at all, but this series is easy to understand, and figure out similarities between the show and movie series. Chris Pine is pretty good in this film, he is not my favorite actor but he does a great job in this film. He plays the part of Kirk very well because I can tell that he is a leader in this film. Zachary Quinto is also very good in this film because playing an apathetic and essentially a robot is very hard. Zoe Saldana is very good as Uhura and Spock's girlfriend because she can play a lieutenant and colonel and also be a loving girlfriend really well. SImon Pegg and Anton Yelchin were also very good and funny that helped throughout the film. Benedict Cumberbatch is also very good in this film, he really tricks the audience throughout the film and his character comes out on screen. J.J. Abrams is a genius and he really created a gem in this movie series, hopefully he can make the new Star Wars movies and Star Trek movies as good as the first Star Treks.
Grade = 84/100 = B
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