"The Descendants" is one of George Clooney's finest. Clooney is Matt King, a land baron of Hawaii, taking care of his two daughters. Scottie, played by Amara Miller, and Alexandra, played by Shailene Woodley. Scottie is troubled young girl, she gets into fights into school and she is a little troublemaker, because she is young and not fully mature yet. Alexandra is a college student trying to become an adult but she s too naive and ignorant to realize that she needs to grow up first before she becomes a mature young woman. The mother of the family, and Matt's wife is in the hospital from a boating accident, and essentially on her deathbed. This is devastating for the family and Matt decides to take Alexandra out of school for a little bit, to help take care of Scottie, and make sure she is okay. They are all just depressed everyday because they visit her everyday to see her lying body, hoping one day she can wake up. While this is happening, Matt learns more about his wife.
Alexander Payne wrote and directed this incredible film and he nailed it. Payne really wrote this incredible story that kept me guessing the whole entire film. Also, this was Amara Miller's first movie and she did fantastic for such a young age. She really played the innocent child very well. Despite her youth, she embraced her character. In addition Shailene Woodley broke out of her shell in this film. She proved that she is not this teenage t.v. star, she is a young, beautiful, and talented actress that can play any role. George Clooney also nailed it in this film. The past few Oscars he has been nominated and maybe he should of won for this role. He is an incredible and there is no surprise that he has been nominated so many times. He really becomes his character on screen and age does not fathom him whatsoever. This film is inspirational because of how Matt King deals with terrible situation. Please watch this incredible film.
Grade = 87/100 = B+
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