"Prisoners" is an amazing film. Kellar, played by Hugh Jackman, is a father trying to do his best, with what he has. He is struggling to pay his mortgage, and take care of his two kids. On Thanksgiving, his family visits their good friends, Nancy and Frankiln, played by Viola Davis and Terrence Howard. However, this Thanksgiving is not a joyous occasion because both of their daughters gets abducted. Kellar's world turned upside down because of the tragic situation his family is in now, and he wants Franklin to help him, take matter into his own hands to catch the abductor. Detective Loki, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, is on the case to find the abductor, but also maintain what Kellar is doing to try to find him also.
This film is a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is a long film, but this film is so exciting, because of the events that occur throughout the film, help the audience learn what happens in the case. There is a great cast that makes up this film. Melissa Leo is a great supporting role for this film. She has been an incredible actress for her whole career, and really does a great job in this film. Terrence Howard, is one of my favorite actors, and he was spectacular for his supporting role in this film. His role really showed that he play different roles, dramatic, and depressed. Paul Dano, also was a great addition for this film. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal were the two knockouts in this film. They were amazing together, and it was exciting to see how they would interact in each scene. This film is gripping, and it is a fantastic film to see.
Grade = 90/100 = A-
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