"The Amazing Spider Man 2" is a great sequel. It continues the story of Peter Parker, played by Andrew Garfield. Peter is graduating high school with the love of his life, Gwen Stacy, played by Emma Stone. Peter is still portraying his alter ego as Spider-Man to help save New York from whatever comes their way. Harry Osborn, played by Dane DeHaan, comes back from boarding school to take over Oscorp, while revisiting his friendship with Peter. Harry has his own plan to take over, while Electro, played by Jamie Foxx, has other plans. Peter and his alter ego tries to take down these villains.
This film was really good mainly because it worked well with all of the story lines going on The story lines, Electro, Harry, Gwen and Peter's relationship, Aunt May and Peter's relationship, and many others, worked very well to make a very fast paced film. All of these actors were incredible. Also, Andrew Garfield is a more credible Spider-Man than Tobey Maguire, because of his look, his physique, his antics, his personality, his mannerisms, and Andrew Garfield can be a little bit more of darker. Because Spider-Man is such a dark character for Marvel, and Andrew Garfield does a good job and this is a great role for him and his girlfriend Emma Stone. It is a great, exciting, fast-paced film that was made beautifully.
Grade = 87/100 = B+
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