Saturday, July 19, 2014

"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" is one of the Best Films you Will See This Year.

"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" is one of the best films you will see this year. The film picks up after the first film with San Francisco in a post-apacolyptic state. Only a few hundred barely surviving. The other side of San Francisco is swarmed by a large pack of apes all led by a fearless, incredibly intelligent Caesar. Caesar has led a society for these apes and he wants is for the humans to keep them separated. Problems arise when the humans need to use the power supply near where the apes live. Caesar has to decide if they can trust the humans that betrayed them years ago or team up.

This film is incredibly exciting to watch. It is incredibly exciting to see the two sides of the situation they are in with the humans and apes. The humans are led by Gary Oldnan's character, and Jason Clarke's character and fanily. They do a great job in this film as always. Andy Serkis does an amazing job as Ceasar. It is extremely hard to act out an animal or a creature that is not real. The way the apes interacted with each other and how they have created their own society is fascinating to watch throughout the film.  The film is exciting and will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Grade = 93/100 = A

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