"Lucy" is a thrill ride. Lucy, played by Scarlett Johansson, is an innocent young woman caught in a deadly drug deal. She is used for an experiment where a bag of synthetic drugs are forcibly inserted into her stomach. When the bag leaks, the drug changes her into a superhuman, basically. Slowly Lucy grows her central capacity. She goes through unimaginable changes that gives her the strength, and knowledge to take her down who captured her, with the help of Professor Norman, played by Morgan Freeman, also to discover what exactly is happening to Lucy.
This film is great because of how fast paced the film is, and the great cast. This film is only an hour and a half but it is so quick, that you don't even realize. The violence, and nonstop action will keep you interested throughout. This film is great mainly because of Morgan Freeman and Scarlett Johansson, they really carry the film very well. Morgan Freeman does a great job as a supporting role. He is one of the best actors of our generation, and his voice impeccable to listen to, and it was captivating when listening to the presentation he gave during the film. Scarlet Johansson is a very underrated actress. She is incredible, and I think people underestimate how good she is because of her beauty. yes she is absolutely gorgeous, maybe even the most beautiful woman in the world, but she is also an amazing actress and did a great job for this film.
Grade = 81/100 = B-
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