"Carrie" is a horror classic. It has Carrie, played by Sissy Spacek, growing up in a suburban town. She is an outcast, and she does not really have any friends except her coach. So she is surpised when a very attractive boy asked her to prom. She also is not well-liked at home. Her mom is extremely religious and forces her to worship God. She is just a girl that wants to be a normal teenager and wants to be with boys and have a normal life. She plots her revenge at her prom.
This film is spectacular for its time. This was based on a Stephen King novel. For the most part, this film created an amazing picture for the novel, and this is considered one of the best horror films ever made. Sissy Spacek is obviously very pretty but in this film she is portrayed as the incredibly disgusting and horrid creature by the end. I am curious to see how the new "Carrie" coming out on October 18th portrays this story. The person that plays Carrie is Chloe Grace Moretz. She is teenager becoming a huge star in Hollywood being in such films as "Kick-Ass" "500 Days of Summer" and "Hugo." Also, she is incredibly gorgeous. I am eager to see how she is portrayed in the new adaptation.
Grade = 82/100 = B-
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