"Parenthood" is a classic family movie. it tells the story of the giant Buckman family. One family has three kids trying to cope with everyday struggles. Another is a couple taking care of their child prodigy. Another is a single mother taking care of two teenagers. The last is the grandparents taking care of everyone and also the screwed-up son taking care of an infant. The family goes through everyday struggles of a typical American family. This film can be categorized as a film that explains family struggles for the modern time, much like the hit comedy, "Modern Family." This film explains how a modern family can go through similar struggles, and these things can happen to any family, regardless that this film came out in 1989.
This film is great mainly because of Ron Howard. He not only help write this film, but he also directed this film. The storyline was extremely captivating and even for a movie that was PG-13, it still brought up some topics that are not suitable for kids, or young teenagers. A great part of this film also was the outstanding cast. Steve Martin led the way, as Gil Buckman and this is one of his best roles. Granted, he has been in a lot of better films, and most of his roles are great anyway, but he nailed this role. Also, Mary Steenburgen really did a fantastic job as Gil's wife, Karen. Some great minor roles were played by, Dianne Wiest, Rick Moranis, Tom Hulce, and Jason Robards. This film is a great family film that brings up controversial topics and controversies that families go through every day.
Grade = 82/100 = B-
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