"Get Low" is spectacular. It tells the story of Felix Bush, played by Rober Duvall, a hermit, who does not care how he is portrayed in his town. One day when another hermit dies, Felix wants to try to patch things up with his fellow townspeople. He hires Frank Quinn, played by Bill Murray, a funeral director, who arranges a fake funeral for him. This funeral will display Felix as dead but the main point is to see how his fellow townspeople really think about him. The movie has a distinct view on life and how you are portrayed when going through your life.
This film has a great cast that helped the film make it so great. Robert Duvall is always great at what he does. He has been a great actor for decades and he has such an array of roles whether it is faking his own death or kids soccer coach. He has great at any role. Bill Murray is also an amazing actor. His films are so great because he really can do it all. Every movie he is in makes it better because if the film is a comedy he is hilarious, and if the film is a drama then he has such a great persona on screen. Sissy Spacek also did a great job as a supporting actress. She is great even still. This film is so great but depressing.
Grade = 83/100 = B
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