"Tiny Furniture" is one of the best indie comedies ever made. It tells the story of Aura, played by Lena Dunham. Aura has just graduated from college, and she is moving back in with her mother and little sister. And she is dealing with the struggles of post graduation. She also just got out of a relationship that was supposed to lead to marriage. She is in a rut, and she needs to find a new journey for herself. After much encouragement from her best friend, Charlotte, played by Jemima Kirke, she decides to get a job as a hostess at a restaurant. She still is not herself, and she is going through a tough time in her life. Lena Durham gives a powerful performance and this film skyrocketed her career to stardom because now she is extremely successful with her hit HBO show "Girls." This was her first film.
Lena Dunham is a genius. I am in awe of how amazing her films and her show are. This film was directed, and written by her, and she also was the lead. This film had so many witty moments and awkward happenings that a college graduate can relate to. She portrayed this great view of post graduation so well. It is an incredibly difficult part of a person's life, and I am dreading it completely. She showed that it is not easy for anyone, we will be scared, and nervous, and feeling helpless but we will get through it. Lena and her little sister played siblings in this film and they were both fantastic. Grace Dunham has not been in many films but she she did very well in this film. Jemima Kirke was spectacular in this film also. She was beautiful, funny, audacious and she just nailed this role, and her role on "Girls." This film really opened the door for Lena Dunham and she deserves all of the success so far.
"Tiny Furniture" = 88/100 = B+
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