"The Blind Side" is a great family film. It tells the true story of Michael Oher, played by Quinton Aaron. He is a homeless teenager trying to get by. He gets taken in by a family, the Tuohys. Shawn, played by Tim McGraw, Leigh Anne, played by Sandra Bullock, S.J., played by Jae Head, and Collins, played by Lily Collins. They are a wealthy white family who take in this very large black teenager. Leigh Anne's friends and family question their decision, but Leigh Anne does not mind because she wants to Michael in his time of need. Leigh Anne discovers that Michael is actually really good at football and he becomes a great football star at his high school.
This film is great because of how great the cast worked well together. The film has Quinton Aaron as the main character, this is his major role, Tim McGraw is a singer, and they both did great. The children in this film were very good also. Jae Head was amazing and he is only 12 years old. He had a major part in this film because he really had a great relationship with Michael and he did amazing. Lily Collins did a great job also. Her career has skyrocketed since this film and she deserves it. The real winner for this film is obviously Sandra Bullock. She won an Oscar for her role in this film. She really played this part very well. This is her best role and she deserved every bit of the award. This is a great film even though this is a sports film.
Grade = 84/100 = B
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