"The Wolf of Wall Street" is one of Scorsese's best. It tells the true story of Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo Dicaprio. Jordan is a stockbroker living in Manhattan. He works at a powerful company with the leader of the pack, Mark Hanna, played by Matthew McConaughey. Hanna shows him the ropes of being a wealthy stockbroker. Jordan leaves the company and starts fresh at a small company in Long Island and learns what it takes to take small companies, and make them sound amazing enough for people to buy the stocks. After becoming successful he meets a man named Donnie Azoff, played by Jonah Hill. Donnie wants to become successful also, and decides to join Jordan. They start their own business called "Stratton Oakmont." They start out a small company in Long Island but then move their way into a large company on Wall Street. While this is happening Jordan becomes a great salesman, good enough to teach his new employees. At the height of his success, he becomes engulfed in drugs and prostitues, forgetting about his loving wife, Theresa, played by Cristin Milloti. She is madly in love with Jordan and happy for his success but Jordan lets his fortune get to his head. One day at a party held at the Belfort's, Jordan meets a beautiful young woman named Naomi, played by Margot Robbie. He starts to have an affair with her, and tries to deal with his lifestyle as a wealthy stockbroker, but tries to make sure he stays out of trouble.
This film is great and Scorsese outdid himself. It is a very long film, and contains countless amounts of nude scenes. However, the film was action-packed and exciting, because we wanted to see how Jordan life will end up. I did not feel like the film dragged on that much because everything was happening so fast, mainly because Scorsese wanted us to feel for Jordan when he was under the influence of drugs. And the nude scenes, played with that too. He was living a crazy lifestyle, and having sex with prostitutes and having orgies, and having affair played along with his lifestyle he was living with his coworkers, and his best friends. With that being said, the cast was very good in this film fulfilling their duties to make us believe they were apart of this lifestyle. Jonah Hill was spectacular as always. He is one of those few actors that can play comedic and dramatic roles, and also be extremely funny. He was ridiculous in this film and he played the part so well. He is always great and he will probably get nominated for Best Supporting Actor for this role. I am not a fan of Matthew McConaughey but he was in the film for the beginning but he was great. He was funny, crazy, and he played the part really well. He has come along way in this business and after this film, "The Lincoln Lawyer" and "Mud" he is becoming a household name. Margot Robbie was great also. She is absolutely, drop dead gorgeous and she is also a great actress. Her performance in this and "About Time" can help her popularity in Hollywood. Kyle Chandler and Rob Reiner were also great supporting roles for this film. And of course Leonardo Dicaprio stole the show. He was spectacular, and there is no reason why he shouldn't get nominated like any other role he has played. This film is great mainly because of one genius, Martin Scorsese. He continues to wow everyone with his amazing films, and his ability to produce masterpieces in films. This film is somewhat similar to "Goodfellas" and not as amazing but it still a great film to see, if you don't mind 3 hour long movies.
Grade = 92/100 = A-
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