"Monsters Inc." is one of the best animated films to see. It has Sully, voiced by John Goodman, and Mike, voiced by Billy Crystal working together to scare little kids. Sully is the Monsters Inc. prized possession because he is the top scarer. Things change when a human gets through the doorway and gets into Monstroplis, the city of Monsters. The girl, is Boo, voiced by Mary Gibbs. When Sully try to save Boo, they become attached and start to love and care for her. It is a great story.
This film is great because Disney Pixar had huge shoes to fill after the two toy stories and "A bUg's Life." So, needless to say they wanted to make a huge comeback. This film was so groundbreaking when it came out because of it showed Monsters as funny and adorable and not as scary. I am extremely excited for the second monsters inc. movie to come about this Friday because it should be as good as the first. Again, it has huge shoes to fill. Hopefully the shoes will be filled and kids and teenagers now, will be happy with the outcome on Friday.
Grade = 89/100 = B+
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