"The Royal Tenenbaums" is a hilarious classic. It has the dysfunctional Tenenbaum family trying to liv with the fact that one of the family members is dying. This family is played by Ben Stiller, Gene Hackman, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Anjelica Huston, and Danny Glover. This family is great to watch because of Wes Anderson's great, quirky humor. It really shows this great cast in true form and really shows that Wes Anderson is a genius.
It takes a while to get used to Wes Anderson. He is considered weird or unusual, but he is different and when he makes films it works. It is probably why so many great actors and actresses want to work with him. Including, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, etc. He is fantastic at what he does and his next film is supposed to be even better. One of his best film was his last, "Moonrise Kingdom" so he does have big shoes to fill. He is a director that is trying to do things that is out of the ordinary but it turns out to be magic on screen. Please Check this and his other films.
Grade = 90/100 = A-
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