"Wreck-It Ralph" is a great animated film not just for kids. It has Ralph, voiced by John C. Reilly, he is villain in a video game called Fix-it Felix. He has always been the "bad guy" but he really wants to be the hero, the guy everyone looks up to and loves. He tries to become a hero and in the process he meets a little girl named, Vanellope, voiced by Sarah Silverman. They really start to become friends and he starts to realize who really wants to be.
This film is great because it really shows that Animated films are not just for kids anymore. This is a Disney film, Disney films have had hidden meanings in their films for decades. This film is great because it is about finding yourself. Disney movies are great because they are great for kids, in the characters, and the story. They could be for adults in the hidden meanings and the values that go throughout each and every one. I have always loved John C. Reilly he is not afraid to take dramatic roles and he is good at them Yes, people do love his goofy antics, in films like "Step Brothers" or "Talladega Nights"but he is really good at what he does. I also love Sarah Silverman in this film. She is a hilarious woman and I am glad she is not afraid to be in a movie that is not only for adults. This film is great for any age, that is why I am so enthralled with animated films. I am extremely excited for the next couple in theatres, "Epic" and "Monsters University." "Wreck-It Ralph" is a great film to see.
Grade = 88/100 = B+
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