"Rocky" is Sylvester Stallone's Best. The film tells the story of a Philadelphia boxer trying to make it the big time by fighting the world heavyweight champion, Apollo Creed, played by Carl Weathers. Rocky is a simple man living day by day by training with his good friend Pauly, played by Burt Young. Rocky soon meets the love of his life Adrian, played by Talia Shire. He learns that he has one shot to prove himself and he is going to try his best to win.
This film is so great because of Sylvester Stallone. He wrote and starred in this film and he had one of the best roles ever put on film. He completely deserved the nomination for Best Actor. It is a shame that this actor that did fantastic so early in his career has made some flops. I mean having two expendables movies is not something to be prou of. But the fact that he has an Oscar nomination and the fact a film he wrote and Best Picture is a great feat in itself. He is great I just don't love his action star persona, I grew watching this film and this is probably why I love films so much. Maybe I don't like actions films, and maybe I don't like how fast and furious made six films an made about 6 billion dollars. It is a shame that some amazing films are not being seen but people would rather see action films with the big explosions and the hot guy getting with the hot girl in every single movie. Rocky was a great film because it was a sports movie or action film that was different and original. These actions films are not original they are bland and they lack passion.
Grade = 91/100 = A-
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