"Lean on Me" is a great film with Morgan Freeman. It has appointed Principal Joe Clark, played by Morgan Freeman, trying to improve the inner city of high school he leads. The school is filled with violence, drugs, and urban despair that urban schools go through every year. With the help of Ms. Levias, played by Beverly Todd, Principal Clark can really make a difference.
This film is very well written and directed. It really showed the troubles some urban schools go through. Constant violence incidents, drugs being distributed, and unexpected teenage pregnancies. It really is a great to watch even if you are out of school. It might be a little cheesy, but it still gets the message across. Morgan Freeman and Beverly Todd really steal the show in this film. Morgan Freeman is not just a narrator, he can really act very well and can play almost any role. Beverly Todd is very good in this film. She is an actress that was a hidden gem in this film but she did a fantastic job in this job. This whole film was a great film about an issue that is apparent even today. It is a great film to see.
Grade = 83/100 = B
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