"The Butler" is a contender for the Oscars this year. It tells the story of Cecil Gaines, played by Forest Whitaker, and how he becomes this great butler for the Presidents in the White House. He tries to deal with the racism, and civil rights movement, that occurred during he middle of the 20th century. His job pays pretty well for an African American during the that time, so it he keeps the job for his family. His wife, Gloria, played by Oprah Winfrey, is a housewife trying to take care of their two boys, Louis and Charles. The film has a distinct view on each Presidency through the eyes of both sides, the civil rights activists and the Politicians trying to fix the fighting that went along with it.
This film is so great because of the authenticity and the amazing cast. David Oyelowo was extremely good as Louis because of his constant struggle to have civil rights. Each President was fantastic in this film. Robin Williams, John Cusack, James Marsden, Liev Schreiber, and Alan Rickman were all equally great. The first ladies that were shown, Minka Kelly, and Jane Fonda, were also great for their parts. Also, the other butlers were great also, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Lenny Kravitz. Also Terrence Howard was great as their neighbor. The best part of this film was how great Oprah Winfrey and Forest Whitaker were both spectacular in this film. Oprah Winfrey actually went back to acting school for this film, and it worked out because she was amazing and it was nice to see her in a film because she was as good as she was almost thirty years ago in "The Color Purple." Furthermore, Forest Whitaker had the role of his lifetime, and he did a great job for this film. This film included the main contributors for the civil rights movement, and it clearly showed how horrible the African American community was treated at that time. This film was extremely good and it deserved to be recognized.
Grade = 93/100 = A
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