"Office Space" is a great comedy. It has Peter, played by Ron Livingston, working at a company called Initech. He hates his job. he hates his boss, Bill Lumbergh, played by Gary Cole, his cubicle, and most of the people he works with. he has two good friends that work there named Michael and Samir. The three of them devise a plan to take down the dreaded company and obtain a fortune from the company. Along the way, we meet Joanna, played by Jennifer Aniston. She is a waitress at the guys' hangouts. Eventually Peter gets the courage to ask her on a date. They develop a relationship and he really starts to like her. they try to work everything out in their lives that they do not love.
This is one of the best dark comedies I have ever seen. It has so many great lines, that are just relatable to anyone who does not like their jobs which could be most people. Also, a great cast to go along with this hilarious film. Ron Livingston was brilliant in this film as the protagonist that really wants to do right. Gary Cole, is the villain and he does a great job as the boss nobody wants. Stephen Root was really great also as Milton. He probably had one of the hardest roles as an employee with a stutter. This film is so great and it is not extremely popular and it should. Go see this hilarious film, and you will be satisfied.
Grade = 82/100 = B-
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