"Slumdog Millionaire" is a Winner. It has Jamal, played by Dev Patel, growing up in India trying to make way in the slums of India. The movie has him on India's version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and with his childhood, and adolescence he is able to answer the questions for him to finally be wealthy. After a day of shooting, he is arrested for a suspicion of cheating. To prove his innocence he tells the story of his life, his older brother, played by Madhur Mittal, that was with him for a large portion of his life, and his lost love, Latika, played by Freida Pinto.
This film is so great because it is great to see his story. It is beautifully acted, and beautifully made. This film is filmed all in India, a beautiful country. And the story really is compelling, and kept the audience on the edge of their seats. The Bollywood nation really came alive for this movie with the dancing, and singing throughout the film. This film is great to see, mainly because of the love story between Jamal and Latika. This film did win Best Picture for a reason.
Grade = 90/100 = A-
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