"12 Years a Slave" is a great film for 2013. It tells the story of Solomon, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, a slave trying to get back to his family during his terrible life as a slave. He gets captured by two white men, Hamilton and Brown who put him into slavery even though he is a free man. Overtime, we meet a few slave owners that make Solomon work, but also lets him fulfill his hobby, playing the violin. We meet a few other slaves that become friends with Solomon overtime and they all want to get out of this terrible life they are a part of it. By the end, we meet Bass, played by Brad Pitt. He is a Canadian, that really helps Solomon get back to his family because he is a free man.
This film is great mainly because of how raw it was and how beautifully acted it was. This film has an in depth look at how it really was for slaves. It really was a living hell for them. We see the bruises, bloody messes and the verbal and sexual abuse of what slaves were had to get put through. It is a time of tragedy for America because it was a time where innocent people were forced to not be free and equal like everyone should. The slave owners in this film, were excellent in this film regardless they were displaying people that were very vile and cruel. Paul Dano, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Giamatti, and Michael Fassbender were all great. Even though, Brad Pitt was only in this film for about twenty minutes his character was essentially the hero in his time of need. Chiwetel Ejiofor did a great job in this film and he deserves recognition for the work he did for this film. Also Steve McQueen did a great job as the director. The authenticity of this film was greatly made throughout the film. This film is great but still very gruesome, but it told the true events of what had happened to slaves.
Grade = 89/100 = B+
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