"Coraline" is a great film that is visually beautiful. It has an animated film telling the story of a little girl named, Coraline. Coraline, voiced by Dakota Fanning, is a young girl who moves to an old house with her parents. She is very bored, and disinterested with the new house. She starts to explore the land, and discovers some neighbors and a boy named Wybie, voiced by Robert Bailey Jr. Wybie is a young boy that is intrigued by Coraline. Wybie gives Coraline a doll that looks exactly like Coraline except she has buttons for her eyes. Coraline accepts the doll, even though she thinks its a little creepy. After being pestered by her parents, she discovers a hidden door in her house that leads to a different world. The different world portrays Coraline's life but having everything she wants. Her mother cooks her everything she wants, her father is very interesting and is very talented. And also this world revolves around her. There is a distinct trait that her other parents have now, they have buttons for eyes. Coraline believes that this world is better for her, but problems arises when she spends a lot of time in the world.
This film is made so well. Henry Selick is a genius. He directed and wrote this film also. He also directed, "James and the Giant Peach" and also "The Nightmare Before Christmas." This film was so aesthetically beautiful I am surprised it has not gotten more recognition. Each actor did a fantastic job, also. It is extremely hard to do voice acting but they were spectacular. Dakota Fanning is a great actress even for her age. She has been in the business and she is great at what she does. Teri Hatcher, John Hodgman and Keith David also did a fantastic job for their roles. This film was very well done and it is worth seeing. It is a great film meant for kids, but it has adult themes in it, that makes it so great to watch.
Grade = 83/100 = B
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