"About Time" is a great film to see for this upcoming holiday season. It has Tim, Domhnall Gleeson, living in Cornwall, with his parents, and his sister Kit Kat, played by Lydia Wilson. He is a very lonely man, he has not had many girlfriends and he is looking for a woman to be with. But he is very close with his sister and his parents. Before he leaves, his father, played by Bill Nighy, tells him the men in his family can travel back in time to any part of their life, to redo. At first, he does not believe him, but when he actually does, he uses this to his advantage. He moves to London to start his lawyering job, and start his new life looking for the love of his life. One day, he goes on a double date with his best friend Jay, played by Will Merrick. They go on this date to a restaurant where the diners eat in the dark. On this date Tim meets Mary, played by Rachel McAdams. Mary and Tim really hit it off, and Tim finally thinks he has found the right one. He starts his life with Mary, and now he is finally happy and not alone. He finds someone that is his true love, with his powers in the back of his mind that can help him with his dad, his mom, Kit Kat, and Mary.
This film is great mainly because of how their relationship progresses. He meets this girl in the dark and he realizes she is the best person for him. And they then start their life together. Domhnall Gleeson was spectacular in this film. This was his first leading role, and he did a really a great job because he really showed that the nomral, nice guys can get the girl they deserve. Rachel McAdams did a fantastic job also. This is similar to "The Notebook" in being a very romantic and emotional film, but this was a great role for her because it showed that can quirky and romantic but also a motherly type of person. Lydia Wilson, was a great asset to this film. She was an alcoholic in this film, and she really played the hippie, outgoing little sister very well. Bill Nighy deserves a lot of credit for his role also. One of the main recurring themes in this film was the relationship Tim had with his father. He was the person that Tim looked up to, and he was a great role model for Tim to help him with his life. This is a great film to see this year.
Grade = 88/100 = B+
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