"Finding Nemo" is one of the best animated films ever made. It tells the story of Marlin, a clown fish taking care of his son, Nemo. Marlin lost his wife and now he is taking care of Nemo on his own. Nemo is a boy that wants to do things on his own, especially because he wants to overcome his fin. One fin is shorter than the other which causes his swimming to not be as proficient as most fish in the sea. One day after not listening to his father, Nemo gets abducted by a boat, and netted. Marlin is then forced to go out across the ocean to find his son. Along the way, he meets Dory. Dory is a blue tang fish that has short-term memory loss. She accompanies Marlin on his journey. The two encounter dangerous deep-sea creatures to hinder their journey for the grand prize, finding Nemo.
This film really put animated films on the map. "Toy Story" and "A Bug's Life" and "Shrek" were the beginning of animated films but "Finding Nemo" really had the most technologically advanced updates that really was portrayed throughout the film. After this film there were multiple animated films made in the year. Also, this was an animated films that was not just for kids. Most animated films today are only for kids. Including "Planes" and "Madagascar." Animated films do not have to just be for kids, films like this "Up," "Wall-E" and "Shrek" are great representations of films that are for kids but adults can relate to it and also love it. This film really put animated films on the map. And it is one of the best animated films ever made because of the great cast, the storyline, and the amazing effects that went along with it. Please go see it.
Grade = 90/100 = A-
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