"Requiem for a Dream" is a thriller that messes with your head. This film tells the story of four drug addicts. Harry Goldfarb, played by Jared Leto, is a drug dealer who is also addicted. His girlfriend, Marion, played by Jennifer Connelly, is also addicted and helps Harry deal. Marion and Harry are not the most wealthy of people so they acquire help from Tyrone, played by Marlon Wayans. They try to acquire enough money to deal and also use. Marion also is an escort on the side, to help out with their business. Harry's mother, Sara, played by Ellen Burstyn, is an addict also trying to feel better about herself and lose weight. Harry will do anything for Sara regardless that he is an addict and is not trying to quit. We then see the four spiral out of control in their addiction. It is a very weird, odd, bizarre, and messed-up way of seeing things, but this film displays the true events of what an addict goes through.
This film is very disturbing at times, but it is so grueling it is almost like you cannot stop watching. The four main actors do a fantastic job for their roles in the film. Jared Leto is a very talented person. He is a spectacular frontman for "30 Seconds to Mars" and he is also an extraordinary actor. This film and "Girl Interrupted" are his best films. Jennifer Connelly is also an incredible actress. She is very beautiful and her acting is impeccable also. She usually plays a distraught woman but this film was different for her, and she nailed this role. Marlon Wayans was not very good in this film also. He is usually in some hilarious films, but this was obviously different for him and he did a pretty good job. The most spectacular performance in this film was Ellen Burstyn. She has been around for decades, and she is an incredible actress. Her performance in this film earned an Oscar nomination for Best Actress and it is unfortunate she did not because she did spectacular for this film. Darren Aronofsky is a genius and this is one of his best films.
Grade = 85/100 = B
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