"Changeling" is a spectacular film. It tells the story of Christine Collins, played by Angelina Jolie, living as a single mother in late 1920's Los Angeles. Her life is dedicated to taking care of her little boy, Walter, played by Gattlin Griffith. When he goes missing Christine goes on a witch hunt to find her little boy. She goes to the LAPD to help, with the help of Detective Lester Ybarra, played by Michael Kelly, they try to find him. Also trying to help is Reverend Briegleb, played by John Malkovich. They are all determined to find Walter safe and sound.
This film really shows that Angelina Jolie is a great actress. Other than "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" we have not seen her as a lead actress in a movie that was successful. She is obviously extremely beautiful, she is a sex symbol for our generation but in this film she really shows that she is not just this beautiful person. She can act. This film and "Girl, Interrupted" are her best films and she really nailed this role. Also, John Malkovich and Michael Kelly were great supporting roles for this film. Michael Kelly has been in some great films and he did a great job in this film. John Malkovich is one of the best actors of this time period. He has such a distinct demeanor about him that just is so present throughout every single film he is in. Also, Gattlin Griffith did an amazing job for his age. During this film he was ten, and he did nailed this role for his age. This film is great to see if you want to see another great Clint Eastwood film.
Grade = 83/100 = B
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