"American Hustle" is a great film to see this holiday season. It tells the story of Irving Rosenfeld, play by Christian Bale. He is a brilliant and successful con man, who partners with an incredibly gorgeous and intelligent British partner, Sydney played by Amy Adams. They soon get caught by an FBI agent, Richie Dimaso, played by Bradley Cooper. Richie forces them to join him to take down New Jersey powerbrokers and mafia. The mayor of Camden, Carmine Polito, played by Jeremy Renner is caught in the middle. One person that can hinder their plans is Irving's beautiful but sassy wife Rosalyn, played by Jennifer Lawrence. Irving tries to make sure his plans are ok for himself, Sydney, Rosalyn, and his son Danny.
This film is great and it is obvious that it will win many awards. The authenticity of this film was great. Even through the opening credits we jump right into the time period it takes place in. And with the soundtrack, the wardrobe we can clearly see that we were in 1970s New York and New Jersey. David O. Russell did a great job for this film. He wrote and directed this film and he really did an amazing job. The cast was very similar to "Silver Linings Playbook" and it worked very well, because the cast was spectacular. This film is hard to understand but if watched carefully it is a great thrill ride to see what happens next.
Grade = 92/100 = A-
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