"La Jetee" is a film that is revolutionary. This is a film made by Chris Marker. He uses still images to tell a story of a man held prisoner. He is forced to take part in a experiment dealing with his past, present, and future. He is sent to specific memories of his involving a woman he was with. We as the audience, still do not know if she is real or a figment of his imagination. We do know that he intrigued by this woman. He is entrapped by his past and he is trapped by his current situation of his predicament. HE has to figure out what has happened to him, and what will happen to him.
This film is beautifully done mainly because of the still images. The images are photographs telling a story. With music and dissolves, and shadows and lighting we can still understand the story well enough regardless that there is no video being portrayed. Chris Marker was a great filmmaker because he really tried to portray film in a different way, and this film was one of his best. He mostly made short films and this is probably his best. The story this film portrays is amazing regardless that we can only see still images. It is a spectacular film to see.
Grade = 88/100 = B+
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