"The Avengers" is a Great Film for Marvel Fans, and hopefully the new Marvel films coming out are as good. The Avengers is a team of superheroes consisting of Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr., The Hulk, played by Mark Ruffalo, Captain America, played by Chris Evans, Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johansson, and Hawkeye, played by Jeremny Renner. They are all put on a team to take down Thor's brother Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. The superheroes are have to work together to take down their enemy.
This film is great for the fans. It involves some of the great superheroes from the comic books, and it is a very well done film. It is just a start to the tons of Marvel films that are coming out in the next few years, including a second "Avengers" film. There are a plethora of superheroes in Marvel but the films are very exciting because of the action and how it is very similar to the comic books. Personally, from the track record I like DC films better because of "Watchmen" "The Dark Knight" and "Batman Begins" but "The Avengers" is very entertaining to watch, especially because of all the superheroes and villains in the film and I am very excited for the second film.
Grade = 89/100 = B+
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