"Invincible" is a great sports film. I tells the true story of Vince Papale, played by Mark Wahlberg. Vince is a 30-year old bartender living in Philadelphia. He is down on his luck because his girlfriend leaves him and he is looking for a fresh start. He has been a decent football player his whole life, and he decides to try out for the Philadelphia Eagles when they hold open tryouts. Eventually, he is the only player drafted, and he is the heart and soul of the city because he is an older guy, home-grown trying to land a starting spot on the team. He is trying his hardest his best getting on the team but he is neglecting his loved ones, that helped him get there in the first place. He realizes this and tries to make sure his new life does not affect his old life.
This film is very special because the actual Vince Papale spoke at my 8th grade graduation because his daughter graduated with me, and the film came out that year also. It is a great film about determination, and triumph. He had his back against the wall, and achieved his goal. Mark Wahlberg was very good in this film. He has truly made a name for himself in Hollywood, after he was in the funky bunch. Other great roles in this film were by Elizabeth Banks, Greg Kinnear, and Kevin Conway. Being a Philadelphia Eagles and the NFL in general, I loved how they portrayed the 1976 team and it was interesting to see how they showed the NFL at that time. It is a great film that Mark Wahlberg flourishes in.
Grade = 83/100 = B
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