"Everybody's Fine" is a great film that displays Robert De Niro's greatness. It tells the story of Frank Goode, played by Robert De Niro, and his unplanned road trip to see his children and his grandchildren. He is a loving father and grandfather, but after his wife passing, he has lost touch with his kids, and wants to make sure he is still in his family's life. He visits his daughter the ad executive in Chicago, played by Kate Beckinsale, his son the conductor in Denver, played by Sam Rockwell, and his daughter who performs in Vegas played by Drew Barrymore. Frank knows he does not have much time left, and he wants to make sure he is in his children and grandchildren's lives before he its too late.
This film is great mainly because of the cast. Kate Beckinsale is a great actress. She is an English actress that learned an American accent for films and she does a great job in her films. She is still waiting for her amazing role, but she is very good at what she does. Sam Rockwell is a great actor. Everything he is in he is immaculate and he is one of the best. Drew Barrymore has always been a great actress, and she has been in the business since she was a little girl and she progressed throughout her career. However, Robert De Niro steals the show in this film. He is great in every role he does obviously, he is one of the best actors ever. Although, in this film he really became this character so well, and we felt for him, all throughout this film and we wanted him to have a better relationship with his family. And we felt that he deserves to have a better relationship with his family. Please watch this film.
Grade = 84/100 = B
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