"Cyrus" is a great Indie comedy. It tells the story of John, played by John C. Reilly, is at a standstill. He is still depressed about his divorce from his wife, Jamie, played by Catherine Keener, and he is very lonely. One night he goes out to a party. He meets a very attractive and outgoing woman named Molly, played by Marisa Tomei. They hit it off, and John finally feels like he is alive again and feels like he has found someone new. John decides to spend more time with Molly, she is flattered but she is reluctant because of her overbearing son, Cyrus, played by Jonah Hill. Cyrus is a new age musician living with Molly and protects her from her new boyfriends. Molly tries to make Cyrus hold back on John because she really likes him. Cyrus does not like John so he does everything to try to break John and Molly up.
This film is great mainly because it is so funny. There are so many awkward sequences in this film, that help with the hilarity. Also, the actors in this film are all funny. Marisa Tomei is great in this film because of how she wanted to be the mother that wanted more out of his life. She epitomized how divorced mothers still needed love and had desires even if they had children. Jonah Hill is always hilarious and he is also a great actor. He proved that he is a great actor in this film, and "Moneyball" mainly because he can play in different kinds of roles comedic and dramatic, this film was both. Catherine Keener is one of my favorite actresses of all time. First off, she is hilarious in all of her films. And she is great at what she does mainly because she has worked her way from a manager at Mcdonald's and now acting in great independent roles. John C. Reilly is also a great actor. Yes, he is hilarious in films like "Step Brothers" and "Walk Hard" but he has been in a plethora of dramatic roles, and he even has an Oscar nomination for his amazing performance in "Chicago." All of these actors are great because of how they can act in different roles and succeed. This film is beautifully written and directed by Mark and Jay Duplass and it is really worth seeing.
Grade = 82/100 = B-
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