"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" is a great film to see this holiday season. This is the second installment of "The Hunger Games" trilogy. The first film had Peeta, played by Josh Hutcherson, and Katniss, played by Jennifer Lawrence, winning the 74th annual Hunger Games. The Capitol is not very happy about the outcome of the games. So they become the targets of the Capitol. President Snow, played by Donald Sutherland, advises a new rule to the 75th annual games. He proposed that the only participants of the games will be victors that are still alive of each district. Which means Katniss and Peeta will be participating again. But because Katniss is loved by most of the districts a revolution is starting. Which President Snow and Plutarch, played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman. An uprising of rebellion starts in the districts.
This film is very captivating and entertaining throughout. I have not read any of the books and I still know exactly what is going on, and I have a clear picture of what is to come in the next two films. Jennifer Lawrence is spectacular and beautiful. She is becoming one of the most well-known actresses mainly because she is great at what she does, I am really excited to see her in the new film, "American Hustle." Josh Hutcherson is also a very good actor, he is not blowing up as much as Jennifer Lawrence but he is very good in this series. This film is a lot more edgier and cruel, but it also has romance and betrayal. So it has everything for everyone. It is a great series, that really plays with your head about entertainment and how we rely on it to stay stable. Go see these films.
Grade = 86/100 = B
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