Sunday, January 4, 2015

"Big Eyes" is a Great Film for the New Year

"Big Eyes" is a great film for the new year. It tells the true story of Margaret  Keane, played by Amy Adams. Margaret is a painter that takes her work very seriously. She has many paintings, her favorite are her paintings based on her daughter Jane, where she paints young children with big eyes. After leaving her husband and moving to San Francisco with her daughter, she is looking for a new break. He meets a man named Walter, played by Christoph Waltz. Walter is a real estate agent but has always wanted to be a painter. Walter and Margaret hit it off and eventually get married. But things go astray when Walter takes credit for Margaret's work. Walter convinces her this is a good idea because he can sell them easier if he calls them his own. Margaret has to choose between painting and lying to her daughter and everyone else around her, or tell the truth.

This film is very well made and is already getting Oscar buzz. Tim Burton did an amazing job for this film. He has made an illustrious career for himself and his success explains it. It was a very Burton-like film because it was fishy and mysterious throughout and it helped an audience become engaged with the film. The cast was a great aspect of why this film was so great. The supporting roles were great for this film. Krysten Ritter really outdid herself in this film, and you really liked her throughout because she was a great friend to Margaret. Jason Schwartzman also is a great addition for his hilarious antics and the way we showed his hate towards Keane. The actors that really delivered obviously were Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz. Amy Adams has really become a great actress in her career, and this film proves it. The way she stayed timid, and conserved throughout, really showed that she worked hard to prepare this role. Christoph Waltz can do no wrong. He is one of the best actors of this generation because of his ability to humor us but also have the ability to show that he can be dramatic in every role he plays. Also he can nail any accent for any role he is given. This film is very well done and should be nominated for a few Oscars.

Grade = 88/100 = B+

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