Sunday, March 10, 2013

"Django Unchained" is Tarantino's Next Gem

I was always a fan of Quentin Tarantino and his new film, "Django Unchained" is fantastic. It tells the story of a slave named Django, played by Jamie Foxx, who is bought by Dr. King Schultz, played by Christoph Waltz, who is a bounty hunter. Schultz needs Django to help kill these three brothers because Django was owned by them during his slavery. They go to the plantation where Django thinks they are staying and instead of Schultz killing all of the brothers, Django kills two of them and realizes he might have a knack for seeking his revenge. So, Schultz was going to grant Django his freedom, and with that Django wanted to get his wife back, who he lost through slavery. So, Schultz and Django are partners in crime in killing criminals, and making their way back to Mississippi where Django last saw his wife. They find out that his wife is staying at a slave plantation named Candy Land that is run by Calvin Candie who is played by Leonardo Dicaprio. Then the rest of the film it is Django's struggle to find his lost love.

This film is awesome. It is definitely a quintessential guy movie, with shooting, a lot of cursing, and just a lot of gore. Regardless it might be a little long, the story is very exciting and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole film. Dicaprio and Foxx were obviously fantastic as usual but the real gem in this film was Christoph Waltz. He was hilarious, clever, and he is not afraid to push the envelope on most controversial topics. He deserved the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Also, Tarantino's Directing and Writing, is extraordinary and made this movie so great, and he also makes an appearance in the movie. Tarantino is a genius and this film is one of his gems.

Grade: 87/100 - B+

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