Thursday, March 14, 2013

What if you had a 50/50 chance to live?

Jonathan Levine is a genius and his 2011's "50/50" is one of his best. It has Adam, who is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt living his life with his girlfriend Rachael, who is played by Bryce Dallas Howard and working with his best friend Kyle, played by Seth Rogen. Things go wrong when he goes to doctor for what he thinks is a routine check. It turns out that he has type 4 back cancer, and he is obviously upset and he researched this obscure type of cancer and it says he has a 50/50 chance of living. At first he tries to deal with it by spending time with his girlfriend, going tot the doctor, and spending time with Kyle. Eventually, Adam realizes that his girlfriend is not spending that much time with him. One night on a date, Kyle catches Rachael cheating on Adam with a guy with a long dreaded-beard. That night, Kyle confronts her at Adam's house and that night Adam and Rachael break- up. The rest of the movie is about Adam as a single man. Kyle wants him to go out and explore the single life like he is. Adam is reluctant but tries it. He starts going to a psychiatrist set up through the hospital. The Psychiatrist is a young woman who is even younger than Adam, she is Katherine, who is played by Anna Kendrick. At first, Adam is reluctant mainly because she is very young but he eventually gives in and goes to the meetings. The rest of the movie is him dealing with his illness, and dealing with his nagging parents. His mom, who is played by Angelica Huston, is extremely worried about Adam, and his dad, played by Serge Houde has Alzheimer's and does not know exactly what to think about this whole situation. He eventually finds himself through this terrible situation he is in and tries to become a more open person with this illness because he does not know how much time he has left.

I just love Jonathan Levine so much. He is astonishing at what he does on the screen. He is the reason why I am at Rider University studying Film. He is my favorite directors because of this movie and "The Wackness." This film is so great because of the story is awe-inspiring. Cancer is a very touchy subject, and anyone, regardless of how healthy, could be diagnosed. Levitt and Rogen are amazing together in this film. Rogen is such a great actor he is not afraid to jump genres from comedy to drama. Also, Anna Kendrick was wonderful in this film. This film has such an amazing cast and an amazing story.

Grade: 90/100 = A-

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